I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: the number of good people in the world is staggering.
I had no idea what the hearts of Americans were truly made of. It’s pure, compassionate, boundless love.
Rich people. Poor people. White people. People of color. I see endless goodness everywhere and every day.
(I do believe in evil, for what it’s worth. But I can tell you without a doubt that it is weak, small and afraid.)
Because of this goodness, we have developed an abundance of several items:
- High end bread.
- High end bagels.
- Clothing.
I am now getting bagels 7 days a week. Sometimes that includes bread as well.
On Friday mornings I get crazy good bread.
These are all yesterday’s baked goods. But I can tell you from personal experience: You would never know it.
This stuff is fluffy, fresh and delicious.
But I need help getting these items to the people.
The people here at The Homeless Charity have thought that Haven of Rest and Hope Cafe could use them. I would love that. But I don’t have any good contacts those places. If you know someone there could you pass this message along?
I would love to give these to any group that comes in contact with people that might enjoy these items.
Can you think of some people that might want these?
The only thing is they would need to come and get them at 15 Broad Street in Akron. This stuff is here by 9:00am every morning Monday – Friday. If you need them on the weekend we might be able to arrange something else.
While I’m writing, I also want to let you know that we get an abundance of clothes. If you know of a group that could use clothing please let me know also.You can call me at: 330-416-7519
And if you know of any individuals that might need them please pass this message along.
You can come pretty much any time Monday through Friday 9-5. At 15 Broad Street in Akron. If I’m not here just let someone know that you are here for bread or bagels or clothes and they’ll hook you up.
I really don’t care what you use them for. Just don’t sell them!
Fundraisers. Church gathering. Picnics. Come and get ’em!
Come: Monday through Saturday 9-5.
Sunday 12-5.
15 Broad St.
Akron, Oh 44305