The Homeless Charity Code Of Conduct

These are the rules that we all agree to to be part of The Homeless Charity community.
You can download them in PDF format here.
Thank you for choosing to spend time here at The Homeless Charity. We sincerely hope you enjoy yourself and we can help you in any way we can.
As a community, we have some basic rules to help everyone get along. These rules are here simply to help everyone have a peaceful, enjoyable time at our facility.
Paul Hays is the general manager of the facility. He has final say over any incidents.
As a general rule we ask that you do your best to be considerate of others in the space and the space itself. These are some general guidelines for what we ask of all our guests:

  • No public intoxication such as slurring your speech, yelling, fighting, stumbling or falling down. This includes inside and outside.
  • No drinking inside. This is to be respectful of people getting off drugs and alcohol.
  • No stealing or borrowing other people’s things without asking.
  • Be kind and respectful to others at The Homeless Charity. We are all just doing the best we can.
  • No peeing or pooping anywhere other than a toilet.
  • Your guests must be supervised at all times. If they cause trouble it will be as if you caused trouble.
  • No use of drugs of any kind inside or outside of the property, this includes marijuana. (a medical prescription would be the exception.)
  • The second floor are businesses. If you are on that floor please present yourself in a professional way. No swearing or yelling.
  • Never leave a campfire unattended.
  • Don’t leave trash laying around. Please put it in a trash can.
  • Please clean any dishes you use.
  • Please keep the bathroom and laundry facility tidy and clean.

If you have problems with other guests please put your issue down in writing. Don’t simply talk to someone about it. You likely won’t get a response that way. We will deal with each issue on a case by case basis.
These and other actions that infringe on the happiness of other guests could result in you being asked to leave the facility.
Thank you very much for understanding. We are simply trying to make a place people find enjoyable and pleasant in their lives.