
We live in a world where nothing happens unless people like you make it happen.
These are the donors we’ve had in chronological order. THANK YOU ALL!!!
(By the way, I’ll link to your company each time you donate here. It’s a great way to show how giving your company is. It’s a cheap form of advertisement. Just tell me what to link to in the comments of your contribution.)
Archbishop Hoban High School donated this amazing refrigerator

Diann Shields donated $300 for our raised bed gardens.

Bob and Constance Winther donated several amazing saws including this one for our wood working shop:

Jim Mikunas from Majestic Trailer donated a HUGE pile of wood for our raised bed gardens. Kenneth LaTampa at Revolution Ministries delivered it.

Pavona’s Pizza Joint | Stone Baked Pizza just donated two HUGE containers of clothes detergent.

Kenny from Revolution Ministries Akron is installing the shower and washer and dryer for the The Homeless Charity.

Ann Synder donated a washer and dryer

Tim, the owner of RTR Slotting & Machine Inc donated a stove

SageRock donated a starter tool set:

Jean Trawick

carol murphy

Tyra Scott

Thank you for giving us this opportunity to help those in need!

Our logo was made and donated by a teenager in Australia. He goes by the name: Pot8o_Penguin

Yoly Miller Heisler

cherry dudley

Heckey Family

Jordan Gray
Rock on, Sage


Wishing you much success at what your are doing. Thank you!

Sage Lewis

Kimberly Castner

Sage your more of a “Christian” than the monitory of the ones out there! I want to be like you when I grow up!! God bless you brother. I will continue to support the effort as much as I can



Joanna Caley

Tracy Edwards

Michele Calloway


Good deeds deserve noting…

Cynthia Ott

marcia m
